• Address: Sofia 1849, Kremikovtsi, "Sveti Georgi Pobedonosets" 1A str.

Metal Refuse Redemption

“Ecometal Engineering” buys your ferrous and non ferrous metal scrap and refuse. The company has cultivated an effective system for the collection and redemption of metal refuse and owns the most modern technology on the Balkan Peninsula for their reclamation.

Payment upon scale weight-in.

Reclamation depots for ferrous and non-ferrous metals: Sofia – Kremikovci, Sofia – Orlandovci, Sofia – Knyazhevo, Dupnitsa and Pazardzhik.

It’s possible for scrap to be picked up from a specific address, we provide free private transport.

For accurate prices and answers, please contact the relevant reclamation depot:

Vivacom: 0878 817 777

метални отпадъци
You have black or colored waste :: 📞 0878 817 777